Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is Your Slip Showing?

Ever been to a function only to have some kind lady come up and speak quietly into your ear: your slip is showing? Every gal who has experienced this felt the onrush of a scarlet face and then looking around for the nearest ladies room! Once there you tug it up, fold down the waistband, breathe a sigh of relief and ask the next it showing now?

Paul reminds the Corinthian Church that their "slip", (their conduct) was to be as his: pure and without hypocrisy; with holiness and godly sincerity. In the NET 2Cor 1:12 it reads "pure [without contamination] motives [thoughts, words or actions] and sincerity" Paul is emphasizing this in a phrase with two close synonyms. He gently reminds them that it is their conduct, worn before a world whose eyes are blinded by the evil one that must be guarded at all costs. They are a letter of Christ and may be the only letter the blinded world reads. Therefore, may your actions/words/thoughts be uncontaminated and without hypocrisy.

So is your slip showing? Listen carefully to the whispered quiet word of the Illuminating Holy Spirit - you may have to exit into the nearest restroom and do an adjustment.


  1. Yes, yes, yes! We may be the ONLY Jesus that some in this torn asunder world every see or talk with. We are that epistle from God. May I walk without hypocrisy and be clean, uncontaminated. I pray that for us.

    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    PS...Maybe that is why I quit wearing a slip and wear only completely opaque skirts and dresses! : )

  2. How true that we may be the only Jesus that others see...that is why we must walk circumspectly. Perhaps that is one reason Paul said, put on your spiritual armor. That would cinch up the slip so we could run and not be weary, and not faint.

    Good thoughts!
    Gaye (GEA)
