Friday, August 10, 2012

You, O Lord see the hearts of men. They deceive themselves because their hearts are sick and desperately wicked. You alone search the heart and mind. Men are in need of your loving touch yet in their ignorance they are like blind and deaf men and they cannot see the evidence of their sin. They worship idols that they make from wood and stone, hammered in the ground so they do not move! They seek rain from them but from You alone Lord does the rain come. They deny the words I speak warning them of impending danger. They deny the words written in Your book of the Law.

BUT, for the remnant whose hearts truly desire to know; You will reveal Your love and salvation. Then they will say with me “Your Word! I found it! I devoured it as I would a slice of the sweetest bread of heaven! Your word is my joy, my delight.” The tree planted by the streams of water brings forth blooms as they push down their roots and drink of Your living water. They are the ones that will grow strong, vibrant and produce fruits that are everlasting.

Where are you planted? Is the word of God your delight and joy! Share these truths with someone today!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

In Isaiah we meet the Almighty God and his servant Isaiah. God speaks to him saying; As God, I allow men to find Me for I desire to act on their behalf. I send my Holy Spirit to seek them, find them, and then as they receive My word--indwell them. I remind them I will never leave them nor forsake them. My eyes rove to and fro throughout the earth seeking those who are humble and contrite of spirit and who tremble at My word. These are the ones I seek and on their behalf I offer My response. Heaven is where I dwell and where I sit upon My throne. The earth is my footstool. I have created it all for those who bow the knee to Me. I send the rain upon the just and the unjust so that they may be without excuse that they never knew Me. I will send more so that those who remain that have not heard will hear. How can they hear without someone preaching to them? I will send them as My herald to proclaim the good news of My kingdom.

Precious Father, Lord God Almighty, Precious Savior Redeemer, Precious Illuminating Holy Spirit, how humbling to know that You have chosen to allow me

to come into your presence and to know you. Keep my heart humble. Keep my priorities aright. Keep me close to your heart so I can hear your footsteps and hear your word proclaiming your everlasting lovingkindness an compassion.